One thing which you have to be clear when you are purchasing a new backpack would be to know the very purpose for as the best-rated hiking backpacks can be entirely different from the best travel packs. Your hunting - whether it's for the best college backpack or others - will be a whole lot simpler if this is clear to you since the start. If you wonder why I'm saying this, you must comprehend that different people have used backpacks for different goals which create unique markets where each market is generally dominated by few reputable brands. For example if you are looking for the best rated college backpacks, you'd not be looking at Teton but High Sierra instead. From here alone, you can see the way you can save time by zooming in early and focus only on the brands that cater to your demands.
One rapidly growing backpack is one of the professionals. In large part, this is attributed to the laptop becoming mobility at work and a mainstream computing station. Take a good look at offices around you and I wager that with laptops being more than powerful to action most daily routines like managing spreadsheets, organizations are left desktop PCs at an incredible rate. If you ask most professionals what they think of backpack, the reply would be different if the question is asked yesterday as compared to today and previously, most would let you know that backpack doesn't appear cool and the more elegant looking or sling tote would be much favored. However, if you have to travel often, I bet you'll just want to carry a backpack. This market segment was identified by the backpack manufacturers and they've been quick to address this. If you go through all the backpack reviews found online, you will find that the best backpacks designed for professionals will have different set of requirements and criteria than those designed for college students where look is more significant in this case.
Based on these facts alone, I believe backpack is something that will consistently keep its relevancy. Backpack will continuously evolve and keep pace with the changing lifestyle needs and trend vogues. One interesting question is whether we are going to see the size of college and professional backpacks shrinking later on. The solution will only depend on how much future computers that are smaller and thinner will be. If the conversation of foldable (or bendable display) comes to reality, the size of notebooks may shrink to half or possibly a quarter of its present size. You know what the results this will bring to backpack sizes.